My publications in English
- Track Access Charges in Freight Transportation.
- This book summarizes my knowledge in TAC up to 2018.
- Introducing Global Rail Tariff Scheme Using Data Ledger Technologies
- This paper presented at 12th World Congress on Railway Research in Tokio examines a way in which many stakeholders from different countries involved in modern rail (intermodal) freight corridors can agree on a common tariff scheme and further ensure the fulfillment of the agreement.
- The Challenges of Introducing Blockchain Technology in Logistic Chains
- Most of the transaction costs in logistic chains are not transparent. This paper presented on the 22nd World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics: WMSCI 2018 in Orlando, 8-11.07.2018 identifies transaction costs in rail transportation and provide quantification instrument. It also gives an example of the comparison of the efficiency of different DLT introduction based on Latvian railway case.
- What market can bear on the 1520mm rail with primarily freight transportation?
- This study, presented by poster presentation on TRA2018 in Vienna, jointly with Maris Andins and Remigijs Pocs, has been made to understand the impact of charge level on rail infrastructure usage with primarily freight transportation. The paper provides the “market can bear test” methodology that may be used for assessment of mark-up level based on efficient, transparent and non-discriminatory principles.
- Track access charges in freight.
- The presentation given within Eiropoint TAC summit in Amsterdam, 5 Apr.2018 argue, that although there are great plans about the future of rail in Europe, the freight traffic is often examined as a marginal activity in European rail area now. Here I share my insights into the charging process in the network where freight transportation has a predominant nature.
- TAC Summit: ‘Era of track charging based only on cost allocation is over’
- This is my interview to RailTech on 25.01.2018. The interviewer passed me well-done questions 🙂
- The Distinction of Market Segments on the European 1520 mm Rail with Primarily Freight Transportation.
- The paper presented in the 21st World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2017. Orlando, ASV, July 2017, raise the main mark-up implementation problem: how to evaluate the MCB level, the productivity increases achieved by RUs and optimal competitiveness in an efficient, transparent and non-discriminatory way if 1) the meanings of the included concepts are unclear for natural monopoly; 2) there are mutual contradictions among these concepts; and 3) it is impossible to make unified methodology for markup evaluation due to the differences among EU rail markets.
- Cost that is directly incurred as a result of operating the train service on the 1520 mm rail with primarily freight transportation.
- In this poster presentation given at Transport Research Arena 2016, Warsaw 18-21 April 2016, jointly with Natalija Ribakova and Remigijs Pocs we have shown the impact of train operating on 1520mm rail infrastructure with primarily freight transportation, which is not the same as in 1435mm railways with primarily passenger transportation.
- How much money is needed?
- One more paper presented on RailTach conference: Track Access charges summit 12 April 2016 in Bern that shows differences of the impact of train operating with primarily freight transportation.
- Charging peculiarities on European 1520.
- The report made at InnoRail 2015, Budapest 12-14, October jointly with Natalija Ribakova, first shown significant differences among EU networks depend on usage and proportion of different transportation types.
- Costs that is Directly Incurred as a Result of Operating the Train Service: The Case of 1520mm Rail.
- The paper issued jointly with Natalija Ribakova in Proceedings of the conference Management Horizons in Changing Economic Environment: Visions and Challenges, Lietuva, Kauņa, 23-25 September, 2015, we introduce first results of “direct costs” project launched by LatRailNet.
- Assessment of the Directive 2012/34/EU, Establishing a Single European Railway Area, Impact to the Latvian Rail Sector
- This paper presented jointly with Remigijs Pocs within the 55th International Riga Technical University Conference “Scientific Conference on Economics and Entrepreneurship (SCEE’2014)” Riga, 2014 gives the assessment of the possible impact of the European Union Directive 2012/34/EU implementation in Latvia. We concluded that the European Union transport policy can induce sufficient impact on the state budget, but the relevant economical effect could not be achieved.
- The Rail and Sea Transport International Charge Level Coherence and Comparison among Baltic States Transit Corridors
- In the report made jointly with Remigijs Pocs on the 6th International Conference “Economic Challenges in Enlarged Europe” Tallinn, Estonia, June 2014, we have shown our observations that there was no coherency between trends of rail and sea transport service income level that affects the competitiveness of observed transport corridors.