Cost that is directly incurred as a result of operating the train service on the 1520 mm rail with primarily freight transportation
Poster presentation: Transport Research Arena 2016, Warsaw 18-21 April 2016
jointly with Natalija Ribakova, Remigijs Pocs
Under the Directive 2012/34/EU (21 November 2012) “the charges for … [rail] infrastructure … shall be set at the cost that is directly incurred as a result of operating the train service”. This charging rule is new for Baltic States’ railways, where due to the favourable geographic position a full cost application without detalization was possible. Although, a big number of relevant studies on the issue was made in EU, all of them covered only 1435mm railways with primarily passenger transportation. This study has been made in order to understand the impact of train operating on 1520mm rail infrastructure with primarily freight transportation.
A gradual model of infrastructure charging process in the Baltic States rail networks has been introduced in this study.